How to connect to CougarNet on Mac Devices

1. Click the wireless icon located at the top right corner of your screen.  


2. Ensure that Wi-Fi is enabled, then select "CougarNet" from the list of available Wi-Fi Networks. If you do not see the network, click “Other Networks.” 


3. If prompted to verify a certificate that has not been updated on your device, click “Continue.” If not, skip to step 5. 

4. To install the certificate, you will be asked to enter your device’s username and password. Enter the required details and click “Update Settings.” 


5. After the certificate installation, a login prompt will appear. Enter your Kean username and password, then click “OK.” 


6. If prompted, click “Continue” to authenticate the connection.  

7. If you are still unable to access the internet, please contact IT Support at 908.737.6000, and we will be happy to assist you 24/7. 

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